Where is Naples?

Where is Naples

Naples is in SW Florida

Where is Naples? Well, that depends on which Naples you are talking about. Did you know that there is a Naples in 11 different states in the U.S.? Also, Naples is a city in Italy. That is 12 different places named Naples. The Naples, Italy reference is more popular than Naples, FL, but probably not as quaint. Naples, FL is where I spend most of my time. There is a lot to do in Naples, FL. Naples is close to the Everglades National Park, which is a vast area of natural beauty. Also, world class beaches run the distance from Gordon’s Pass on the south side, all the way up to Bonita Beach in the north.

Naples, FL Weather

Many people like to come in the winter months, due to the beautiful weather. The cooler weather runs from November through April usually. It is not always cooler, it is really just “not hot”. Once October rolls around, you can start to get a sense of fall coming in. October can still be hot, but is a lot more bearable. Some of the first cold fronts “may” come through in October and keep coming through once a week to once every couple of weeks. The real “cooler” weather usually starts in December and January. Fronts can keep coming through April, and every once in a while Naples will have a late March or early April cold spell. This throws everything off, because it seems like the cold fronts are over. By the end of April, the Summer sun starts blazing and by May you know Summer is already here. June starts hurricane season, which lasts through November. The Summers are very hot and humid. The term “Snowbird” comes clear in the Summer as Naples, FL is empty. Snowbirds are people that have a home up North somewhere, and then spend the winter months here in Florida. So once November rolls around, the population grows a lot.

Other Places Named Naples

  1. Naples, Utah
  2. Naples, Texas
  3. Naples, South Dakota
  4. Naples, North Carolina
  5. Naples, New York
  6. Naples, Maine
  7. Naples, Kentucky
  8. Naples, Illinois
  9. Naples, Idaho
  10. Naples, California
  11. Naples, Italy
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About Project Bolony

Project Bolony is about the many things that seem to be happening all around, but only few take notice of. I like to explore natural surroundings, as well as developed surroundings. I used to have chickens, and really like eggs. I also like to make videos of different things. Visit me on YouTube